Friday, September 05, 2008

What the...Mass movement!?

Today in our world we have many problems. Perhaps one of the largest ones would be wide spread mass movements in the Glacial regions. Personally, I believe that one of the biggest reasons for mass movements is because of our careless use of things. We constantly pollute our planet and because of it we have global warming. Due to global warming the Northern ice caps have begun to melt at a uncanny rapid rate.

Within the last 100 years alone our natural temperature has increased about a half degree Celsius. Though this does not sound like much, this can have a severe effect upon our planet on a global scale. According to the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA the Sea level has already risen six to eight inches and continues to rise. This unnatural change can and will effect everything near the coasts. Storms have already begun to show it. Within the past week alone we've had about three or four hurricanes commandeering severe storms. Natural disasters have also become more common and in a short amount of time each year. What are we doing? Why haven't we stopped the pollution? Why is it our government idly sits by and watch the glaciers melt at phenomenal rates?

With deliberation,

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