Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stars... They Shine.. So Bright..

1. Name 10 stars.
There is the Sun, Sirius, Canopus, Rigil Kentaurus, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel, Procyon, Achernar, and Betelgeuse.

2. Choose one star. Which one did you choose?
I choose the Rigil Kentaurus star.

3. What kind of star is it?
It is a G2V + K1V spectral type of star.

4. Are there any planets that orbit this star? Tell me about them.
There is Rigil 1 and Rigil 2.
For Rigil 2 the Orbit Axis is equal to 1.19 AU
Approximate energy is recieved at the amount 1.107 Earth
This Period is considered 1.2377 years or 452.0575 days or 10849.3812 hours
The AB power in local years is: 64.57
Average day length on this planet: 22.46 hours
The year length of local days: 483.0535
Gravitational pull: 0.9 G
It's considered diameter: 6112 miles
Density: 6.21 (1.125 * Earth)
Sea-level atmospheric pressure: more!
Surface Area: 117 million square miles
Land Area: 39 million square miles
This is only some information of the star.
Rigil 1-Rockball at 0.5 AU, called "Spot"

5. What galaxy is this star a part of? This is a triple star system, the other stars known as Centauri Beta and Proxi Centauri. It is in the Centauri galaxy.

6. How far is the star from Earth? It is 270,000 AU from the Earth to the system.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Solar System Formation and the "Big Bang Theory"

"Big Bang Theory"
Many scientists believe, that our universe was formed 13.7 or 14 billion years ago.
This belief is known as the "Big Bang Theory".This theory proposes that our universe was once extremely compact, dense, and hot. It was all the effect of a massive explosion that occurred 10 billion to 20 billion years ago. Since then, the universe has been expanding, and cooling. Several scientists found that the galaxies were actually moving away from each other showing the universe expanding in a uniform way. However the initial state of our universe was unknown. This was the explosion that brought forth our entire universe.

Solar System
Our solar system, was formed when a cloud of gases was disturbed, perhaps by the death of a star or supernova, the explosion caused the cloud of dust and gases to squeeze. Soon, the squeezing became so tight, that the cloud started to collapse, and as gravity pulled the gas and dust together, it formed a solar nebula. As the cloud had begun to collapse, it also began to spin. Soon the cloud grew denser, and much hotter at the center, with disks of gas and dust that surrounded, that was cool at the center and cool at the edges. As those disks became thinner and much more thinner, particles started sticking together forming clumps. Some of the clumps became bigger, and bigger due to more particles and clumps coming on, this began to form moons or planets. At the center of the clouds, where planets like Earth formed, only very rocky material could stand the heat. On the outer regions of the disk, icy matter settled along with rocky material forming the outer planets like Jupiter or Neptune. As this cloud continued to fall in, the center soon become so very hot that it became a star-The Sun. With this, a strong stellar wind blew out most of the dust and gases. It is believed that our solar system is 4,600 million years old, due to the recent study of asteroids.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stars and the Death of them.

Gamma Ray Burst (long)

We all fear something of massive proportion-the death of a star or Gamma Ray Bursts - creates gamma radiation. These are the biggest explosions since the Big Bang itself. A Gamma Ray Burst is the final stage of the death of a star. Most are at safe distances-but suppose one happened nearby-in our own galaxy. If a gamma ray bursts it will be the brightest thing in the sky-brighter then the Sun. Even at 8,000 light years away a burst in our direction would be catastrophic. When it hits it would annihilate our Ozone layer. Temperatures would severely increase. People would be severely burned from the radiation. Eventually on a molecular level-the cells would stop reproducing. The end of all life as we know it. We would all just disappear within almost one month. All that would be left would be our ruins, leaving the memory of our once powerful, and expanse humanity.

Black Holes

The Universe is a very bad place-black holes are worse. They are invisible and travel thousands of miles per hour devouring all in their wake. They are all over the Universe. Anything and everything is pulled within. Send a nuclear weapon into a black hole and nothing happens. A black hole has a enormous gravitational pull. Like gamma bursts they are results of deaths of stars. Stars in essence are neither shrinking nor expanding ,but in balance. Gravity wants to make them smaller ,but heat keeps it normal. When a star begins to cool, it can't sustain itself against the gravity. The gravity wins, and collapses the star. When the star shrinks to a single atom it creates a massive gravitational pull. It is so strong - no matter your speed you can try to get out ,but be pulled back in. Even light can't escape the massive pull. Originally we believed black holes were stationary, eventually we found out they move. If a black hole were to come upon Earth - we'd stand no chance. We'd be able to know when and how we'd die. As the black hole closes in on our planet you'd see the effects first hand at the tides. Water would wash over the continents annihilating most of us. The remaining survivors would begin to stretch and stretch. Slowly you'd be sucked away into a singularity.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Taste of Astronomy!!

String Theory
It can only be defined as a similarity of basic mathematical models of particles and the way they interact. It is basically a theory to the question "What are we made of?" It's a very debating subject and isn't widely accepted.It basically defines four fundamentals forces within the universe which are electromagnetism, weak, strong, and gravity. This theory is actually saying that EVERYTHING has matter, even light! If the theory is accurate then our world is made of strings. They are always moving=vibrating at every moment. Our world itself is composed of pure strings.

Ultimate Fate of The Universe
Split into two ideas of our Universe's end. There is the "Endless Expansion" idea, and the "Big Crunch" idea, both showing us the end of the universe indefinately. Our universe's evolution is constantly pushed and pulled by gravity. This is all dependent on density. If the density is less then the critical density then the universe will expand forever sending us all further away from everything-eventually ending our life completely due to it becoming very, very cold. Then there is the "Big Crunch" where as the universe expands, we will reach a peak, then drop back into a very tiny ball of matter. Additionally, there have been some cases of other ideas for our universe's ultimate end.

Dark Energy
Our universe is made up of 70% of something known as dark energy. It is considered a hypothetical idea - energy that increases the rate of expansion of the universe. Dark energy, hypothetically can account for 70% of the universe's energy. It tends to mix with dark matter. Two proposed forms for dark energy are the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space and scalar fields. It is one of the most unknown and non-understood things that have come to mind. Albert Einstein's theories have made dark matter be considered a multitude of things. Some people consider it to be a property in space. It is believed to exist always, never moving or changing, just standing still. It basically is an idea to explain all of the extra mass in the universe. We can weigh planets, and most visable things in the universe, but something is there that we can't see, or locate.

It is the largest moon orbiting Saturn. Although it is relatively larger then planets such as Mars, or Mercury it has a planet like atmosphere which is more dense then the others. It is believed to be the primitive version of Earth before oxygen had began to form. It's atmosphere is considered an anti-greenhouse for instead of heating the moon, it repels the heat, making the moon extremely cold, and uninhabital. Titan has no magnetic field and sometimes orbits outside Saturn's magnetosphere. Titan has an intriguing atmosphere that brings up questions. What would happen if we were to introduce oxygen to the moon? Could it be a possibility that Titan could sustain life? This is the significance of the moon Titan.

It is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future life of the universe. It encompasses the deep search for new habitable locations outside of Earth. Astrobiology combines the use of physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, geology, philosophy, and planetary science in order for us to recognize other biospheres that differ from our own. It should be noted however, that astrobiology roots itself on previous knowledge of our universe, and usually clashes with previous interpretations or theoretical bases. It is another very speculated subject entirely for it questioning so many hypothesizes, theories, and multiple opinions.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Does Wind Work?

1. What 3 factors affect wind?
The coriolus effect, pressure-gradient force, and friction are the main factors affecting wind.

2. Which of the 3 do you think has the greatest effect? Why?
In my opinion air pressure, has the greatest effect, due to it determining cyclones, anticyclones, good weather, and bad weather.

3. What would happen if this factor (from #2) all of a sudden stopped? Remember to include details about what might happen in your response.

There would be almost no movement of the wind, due to a lack of force to push it. Determining a weather pattern would most likely be exceptionally easy to understand in understand its movement due to the lack of it.

Friday, November 07, 2008

The Elegance Of Clouds and Their Simple Way..

1. List three low clouds, three middle clouds, three high clouds, and one cloud with vertical development.

There are many types of clouds. A cloud with vertical development would be a Cumulonimbus cloud. Three types of low clouds would be Stratus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus. Three types of middle clouds would be Altostratus, Altocumulus, Nimbostratus. Three types of high clouds would be Cirrus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrocumulus.

2. Which clouds look the best to you?

In my opinion, Cirrocumulus clouds are the most beautiful, for their fluffy masses, that look like a pile of white puff.

3. What kind of weather does that type of cloud bring?

They tend to usually form fair and cool weather.