Monday, November 17, 2008

The Solar System Formation and the "Big Bang Theory"

"Big Bang Theory"
Many scientists believe, that our universe was formed 13.7 or 14 billion years ago.
This belief is known as the "Big Bang Theory".This theory proposes that our universe was once extremely compact, dense, and hot. It was all the effect of a massive explosion that occurred 10 billion to 20 billion years ago. Since then, the universe has been expanding, and cooling. Several scientists found that the galaxies were actually moving away from each other showing the universe expanding in a uniform way. However the initial state of our universe was unknown. This was the explosion that brought forth our entire universe.

Solar System
Our solar system, was formed when a cloud of gases was disturbed, perhaps by the death of a star or supernova, the explosion caused the cloud of dust and gases to squeeze. Soon, the squeezing became so tight, that the cloud started to collapse, and as gravity pulled the gas and dust together, it formed a solar nebula. As the cloud had begun to collapse, it also began to spin. Soon the cloud grew denser, and much hotter at the center, with disks of gas and dust that surrounded, that was cool at the center and cool at the edges. As those disks became thinner and much more thinner, particles started sticking together forming clumps. Some of the clumps became bigger, and bigger due to more particles and clumps coming on, this began to form moons or planets. At the center of the clouds, where planets like Earth formed, only very rocky material could stand the heat. On the outer regions of the disk, icy matter settled along with rocky material forming the outer planets like Jupiter or Neptune. As this cloud continued to fall in, the center soon become so very hot that it became a star-The Sun. With this, a strong stellar wind blew out most of the dust and gases. It is believed that our solar system is 4,600 million years old, due to the recent study of asteroids.

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