Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stars and the Death of them.

Gamma Ray Burst (long)

We all fear something of massive proportion-the death of a star or Gamma Ray Bursts - creates gamma radiation. These are the biggest explosions since the Big Bang itself. A Gamma Ray Burst is the final stage of the death of a star. Most are at safe distances-but suppose one happened nearby-in our own galaxy. If a gamma ray bursts it will be the brightest thing in the sky-brighter then the Sun. Even at 8,000 light years away a burst in our direction would be catastrophic. When it hits it would annihilate our Ozone layer. Temperatures would severely increase. People would be severely burned from the radiation. Eventually on a molecular level-the cells would stop reproducing. The end of all life as we know it. We would all just disappear within almost one month. All that would be left would be our ruins, leaving the memory of our once powerful, and expanse humanity.

Black Holes

The Universe is a very bad place-black holes are worse. They are invisible and travel thousands of miles per hour devouring all in their wake. They are all over the Universe. Anything and everything is pulled within. Send a nuclear weapon into a black hole and nothing happens. A black hole has a enormous gravitational pull. Like gamma bursts they are results of deaths of stars. Stars in essence are neither shrinking nor expanding ,but in balance. Gravity wants to make them smaller ,but heat keeps it normal. When a star begins to cool, it can't sustain itself against the gravity. The gravity wins, and collapses the star. When the star shrinks to a single atom it creates a massive gravitational pull. It is so strong - no matter your speed you can try to get out ,but be pulled back in. Even light can't escape the massive pull. Originally we believed black holes were stationary, eventually we found out they move. If a black hole were to come upon Earth - we'd stand no chance. We'd be able to know when and how we'd die. As the black hole closes in on our planet you'd see the effects first hand at the tides. Water would wash over the continents annihilating most of us. The remaining survivors would begin to stretch and stretch. Slowly you'd be sucked away into a singularity.

1 comment:

Mr. Dunn said...

Aaron, I'm glad that you're so interested in astronomy! It's my favorite part of Earth Science.

--Mr. Dunn