Tuesday, September 09, 2008


  • Oceanography or oceanology is the study of the Ocean and it's workings. It incorporates four subcategories - biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, geological oceanography, and physical oceanography.

  • Biological oceanography is the study of plants, animals, and microbes of the oceans and their ecological interaction.
  • Chemical oceanography is the study of the chemistry of the ocean and it's chemical ineraction with the atmosphere.
  • Geological oceanography is the study of the geology of the ocean floor including plate tectonics.
  • Physical oceanography studies the ocean's physical attribute's including temperature-salinity, structure, mixing, waves, internal waves, tides, and currents.

These branches require a fairly high amount of training in the exact sciences or mathematics, and applying their interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and abilities for oceanographers.
Oceanography is also used in Ocean engineering, involved in the design and building of oil platforms, ships, harbors, and other structures that allow us to use the ocean safely.

The study of oceans is also intimately linked to understanding global warming and related biosphere concerns. The atmosphere and ocean are linked because of evaporation, precipitation, thermal flux, and solar isolation.

Yours merrily,

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