Monday, October 13, 2008

The Rare Arctic!

Arctic foxes have evolved to adapt to the harsh Arctic environment. With their thick fur and body fat they are well insulated. It's fur is white and blends in with the snow to hide from predators. The arctic fox also has keen hearing to locate hidden animals in the snow, and incoming predators.

They hunt for any practical meat they find such as lemmings, Arctic Hare, reptiles and amphibians,eggs, and carrion. They also search for fish under the ice and baby ringed seals that are relatively helpless. To catch their victims in the snow they pounce and punch to get to them.

They reproduce fairly often so trappers tend to not effect the population very much. Parents both care for their young. The young are raised in large dens.

Their lives are just as small part of the big Arctic life cycle. They are currently a very content species and are well kept. They move on with their lives each day.

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