Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Air Masses...yay...

1. What are the four most common air masses that affect the United States' weather?

The United States is effected by four types of air masses which are the following: maritime tropical or mT, maritime polar or mP, continental tropical or cT, continental polar cP.
2. Which one brings your favorite kind of weather?

Of all three I like maritime tropical, because it's warm and humid, but it's alright.

3. List 5 things that you like to do in that kind of weather.
Staying inside, feeling the cool fan air, going on myspace, watching t.v. with my family, and drinking cool beverages.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Greenhouse Gas..Or is it Sass?

The greenhouse gases are a phenomenon in which the earth traps solar radiation, it is caused by gases in the atmosphere such as methane, carbon dioxide, or water vapor. It's the combination of these gases that allows for sunlight to enter, of which some is absorbed, and some is deflected back.
The greenhouse gases are a very popular topic. Greenhouse gases are the gases that allow sunlight to reach the Earth without being stopped-this is what makes up the greenhouse effect. When it hits infrared energy is bounced back out to the atmosphere. Some greenhouse gases are synthetic, where as most are natural.The top three most common greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. Recent heavy increase in creation of gas emitting products since the Industrial Revolution have caused an up in greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are basically the focus points of the heating of our planet. They determine our temperature on a stable planet. It was fine until our recent increase of products that emit those harmful gases. Currently it is a very polluted and dangerous thing, due to OUR contributions over the last 200 years or the Industrial Age to the present.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Rare Arctic!

Arctic foxes have evolved to adapt to the harsh Arctic environment. With their thick fur and body fat they are well insulated. It's fur is white and blends in with the snow to hide from predators. The arctic fox also has keen hearing to locate hidden animals in the snow, and incoming predators.

They hunt for any practical meat they find such as lemmings, Arctic Hare, reptiles and amphibians,eggs, and carrion. They also search for fish under the ice and baby ringed seals that are relatively helpless. To catch their victims in the snow they pounce and punch to get to them.

They reproduce fairly often so trappers tend to not effect the population very much. Parents both care for their young. The young are raised in large dens.

Their lives are just as small part of the big Arctic life cycle. They are currently a very content species and are well kept. They move on with their lives each day.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Offshore Drilling????

What is offshore drilling?
It means to extract resources especially from lakes or water areas that contain a petroleum resource.

Why is it good?
Cheaper oil prices,less pollution, and the fact that it is a viable way of procuring an oil source.

Why is it bad?
It's hard to procure the permits, and documentation for it. There is also a higher risk of oil spills causing environmental damage.

How do you feel about it?
I feel totally for it. We need anything that will lower our gas prices. With our technology the risk of damage is extremely lower then what it originally was. It's a great convenience to the gas crisis we have right now.

Friday, October 03, 2008


1. Most people agree that recycling is a good thing. Why should we recycle glass? Plastic? Paper? Metals? We are supposed to be helping our environment. The best way to do this is to keep our world clean. Use less paper, to lessen trees being killed saving oxygen. All of this leads on to more and more good things.

2. What is better: recycling or reusing things? Why? Give an example. Reusing, because then you will not be required to recycle. For example paper, instead of recycling it, why not just erase the words on it and use it for something else.

3. How can Fayetteville residents recycle? Well, for one thing we could pick up trash more often. I’ve noticed for a while now that things tend to be left. How else can we help Fayetteville’s environment, then by helping it’s main problem.

4. Where is the closest recycling drop-off center to your home (or our school)? The closest recycling drop-off center to my house is Fire Station No. 17.

5. What can you realistically do to promote recycling? I could tell more people about it. Write some statements in a newspaper. Promote it on shirts. Small things like that will lead on to a chain of things. Eventually I will have an army of Eco-friendly people. MUAHAHAHA!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Geologic TIME Scale WOW..

The Geologic Time Scale is used to show Earth's history. It is divided into several categories:Eons, Eras, Periods, and Millions of Years Ago. This time scale currently is on going in our Era-The Cenozoic. Our Era started 66 million years ago. The Earth started 4.56 billion years ago. Water first came upon Earth 3.9 billion years ago. The Geologic Time Scale gives us a record of time from the start of Earth to present-day. It is an extremely useful tool.

Final Grade?

Personally, I feel that I have done everything you've asked. Added several of my own things... Comment on almost everyone's blog with the exception of those who never gave you the link. I think I've done a good job. So I think that I should get some credit. I love Earth Science, and feel that this blog idea was extremely good! I love any chance to use the internet in a way to access more gateways toreach perfection. This is a new chance at my education and I appreciate the cause of internet access. Most schools don't even consider the internet being used for students. So as for the grade, I'll let you make the decision... I know that you'll do the right thing.. you always have.