Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ooh... you wanna know my fav map?

Ever since I saw the Gnomic projection
I was a bit surprised by it's design. I also thought the name was really unusual, for those who do not realise gnomic actually means-from ancient Greek, a general truth that may be expressed in the present, past, or aorist tenses. The useage of these three tenses is known as the gnomic.
It was a bit complex and very exceptionally
different compared to the other maps.
The way it is designed in it's inversely shaped
way... it's a bit fascinating to me in many ways.
I've always wanted to see a map like that, and
when I saw it today I was a very surprised... most maps you see are rectangular and very basic... Another reason is that I prefer maps that give you a singular veiw of one section at a given time.

The Gnomic allows you to see how close Alaska and Russia actually are. Approximately they are only 100 miles apart in all actuality. You see many years ago before even medieval times.. there was a bridge-the Berling Strait, of which was believed to have been the tool of imigration for tribal people-this bridge was the only connection between Russia and Alaska. These people were said to have gone into the North and South American continents across the Berling Strait.
It also shows you a specific hemisphere. So far, I've seen it only used for the Northern Hemisphere. The Earth can be shown in many ways-personally I just think the Gnomic projection is probably the best-for it's singular use.

This is my favorite projection..

The Gnomic projection, is also a fairly new, but it works out really well when looking at the Earth from that view point if you choose it.

With my deepest interest,

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