Monday, December 08, 2008

Final Grade

After a journey through all four branches of Earth Science, all great things come to an end. For my final ten blogs, I believe I made a continued effort, and the grade should be based on the content. If you look back at all of my blogs, you'll notice I always included all of the data required that pertained to your questions. I think I should have a great grade, for the work I put in, but I'll leave the final decision to you.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Half a Year of Knowledge...

Over many hard, grueling, and challenging months all great things have to come to an end.. I loved this class in many ways. As for one of my finalizing blog posts (yes I know it is sad, my friends) I've decided to show to you four of my favorite Earth Science topics, that I learned about during the first semester of my 9th grade year.

This was one of the fiercest and most difficult maelstroms to complete.. I enjoyed learning the most about plate tectonics. Every day, every month, every year plates move. The plates move in many ways. Whether it be a divergent plate boundery, transform, or a convergent plate boundary, the plates will move-at extremely slow rates that we can't feel. Slowly our planet's continents moved apart from Pangea, and slowly they are coming again. Time is the only limit.

I have to admit I didn't enjoy this section of Earth Science, because it proved to be my greatest nemesis... I learned quite a large sum of things from it though. My favorite part of the atmosphere was the study of cyclones and anti-cyclones. They move in opposites directions-clockwise and counter-clockwise. The are caused by opposite effects too. High pressure for anti-cyclones. Low pressure for cyclones. Anti-cyclones usually bring forth good weather, cyclones are terrors.

In my opinion, this was the easiest of all four.. because there was such little information. Most of it we learned in our previous middle school years, so it came relatively simple. My favorite part was the study of the ocean floor. The ocean floor is composed of many things like underwater volcanoes, abyssal plains, continental-shelfs, continental slopes...etc. I wasn't really excited about it all too much.. It was all rather boring and exhausting at all the same time.

Of all four parts of Earth Science we learned, astronomy was my absolute favorite. I enjoyed learning about the other things in our universe. Our Earth is just a spec in a vast plane that seems to extend forever.. Wether we were created by an explosion of mass proportion... or just randomly appeared by a higher power.... this is our home.. and it probably will always be our home. I just hope our galaxy doesn't die out in my own lifetime... So that's the universe...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram AKA H-R Diagram

1. On an H-R Diagram, what is the main sequence?
The sequence is considered the hottest star to the coldest star.

2. What percentage of stars are main sequence stars?
Approximately 90% of all stars are main sequence stars.

3. Is the Sun a main sequence star?
Yes, the Sun is a main sequence star.

4. What will happen to the Sun next? When will this happen?
Eventually the Sun will become a Red-Giant, then go into a variable stage, then into the planetary nebula stage, then white dwarf stage, finishing at black dwarf stage. In about 4-5 billion years from now the Sun will become a red giant.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stars... They Shine.. So Bright..

1. Name 10 stars.
There is the Sun, Sirius, Canopus, Rigil Kentaurus, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel, Procyon, Achernar, and Betelgeuse.

2. Choose one star. Which one did you choose?
I choose the Rigil Kentaurus star.

3. What kind of star is it?
It is a G2V + K1V spectral type of star.

4. Are there any planets that orbit this star? Tell me about them.
There is Rigil 1 and Rigil 2.
For Rigil 2 the Orbit Axis is equal to 1.19 AU
Approximate energy is recieved at the amount 1.107 Earth
This Period is considered 1.2377 years or 452.0575 days or 10849.3812 hours
The AB power in local years is: 64.57
Average day length on this planet: 22.46 hours
The year length of local days: 483.0535
Gravitational pull: 0.9 G
It's considered diameter: 6112 miles
Density: 6.21 (1.125 * Earth)
Sea-level atmospheric pressure: more!
Surface Area: 117 million square miles
Land Area: 39 million square miles
This is only some information of the star.
Rigil 1-Rockball at 0.5 AU, called "Spot"

5. What galaxy is this star a part of? This is a triple star system, the other stars known as Centauri Beta and Proxi Centauri. It is in the Centauri galaxy.

6. How far is the star from Earth? It is 270,000 AU from the Earth to the system.